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Norfolk & Yorkshire based certified Ecommerce experts. Learn design, development and marketing tips from our articles.

Countdown to Amazon Prime Day!


Buyers and Sellers get Prepared for the Third Annual Amazon Prime Day

eBay Launch Price Match Guarantee across the UK and Some of Europe


eBay Price Match Guarantee in UK to build confidence and secure customers 

Tesco Fight Back after Amazon Shake-up of Online Supermarkets


Tesco react to Amazon moves by introducing new 1 hour delivery options

The Rise of Influencer Marketing as Powerful Marketing Tool


The latest study on the impact of micro-influencers on B2B marketing efforts brings some really interesting conclusions. This is the summary of these findings.

Amazon Patent Anti-Showrooming Technology


The issue of showrooming is one that is becoming increasingly common for today`s buyers and sellers. For those who aren`t familiar with the term, `showrooming` is when a customer is in a physical shop, and, using portable devices such as smartphones, effectively shop around to see if they can find the same product at a lower price elsewhere.

3 Things to Have When Selling on Marketplaces


In this guest post, Jonathan Tait, Head of Marketing at multichannel platform provider Volo Commerce, discusses the basic elements any successful multichannel business should aim to have.

Is Magento website the right solution to all your problems?


Many people opt for Magento website development and design as the backbone of their eCommerce operations. What are the things to consider when you decide to go down that path? Find out here!

Twitter Bot Builder Tool to Help Marketers Deal with High Number of Queries


Sprout Social created a new bot builder that is going to help businesses solve customer queries in the record time. This article brings all that needs to be known about it.

Online Grocery Shopping Gets a Boost as Amazon Plan to buy Whole Foods


Amazon revealed its plans to acquire supermarket, Whole Foods to boost online grocery shopping. This is their plan

KidsChoo Awarded People


The second annual BigCommerce competition is over and Studioworx has won the People’s Choice Award with the KidsChoo project! Click here and learn all about it!

The Hidden Benefit of Going Multichannel to Multiply Revenues


In this guest post, Jonathan Tait, Head of Marketing at ecommerce platform provider Volo Commerce, explains the why savvy sellers are putting their eggs – and products – in more than one basket.

How important is eCommerce maintenance?


Maintenance of eCommerce websites is always discussed amongst the eshop owners as a thing that might and might not be important. Of course, from their perspective, any additional investment after they already paid the website development cost is something that is not all too welcome. On the other hand, there are some who are more than happy to keep their eCommerce development company engaged even when the project has been finished, so they continue working with them within the eCommerce website maintenance contract. The logical question that pops into the mind is – which ones are right?

BigCommerce shop - a fast way to an awesome eCommerce website


Using BigCommerce as the way to go live fast is great, but there are some things you need to consider before you opt for it. This article explains all that needs to be considered in order to succeed with your BigCommerce online store.

Morrisons Break Personal Information Regulations


Supermarket Morrisons fined £10,500 for breaking personal information regulations with unsolicited emails.

Amazon Ventures into the Live Music Business


In an attempt to boost its Amazon Prime service, Amazon are venturing into the UK live music business. Starting with a show by the world famous, Blondie on the 23rd of May, the US giant are expanding their music services to include putting on live shows as well as selling tickets for shows, gigs and other events – which they previously offered.

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