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Norfolk & Yorkshire based certified Ecommerce experts. Learn design, development and marketing tips from our articles.

Things to look for in a Web Design Agency


Deciding who to trust with the development of your website is a big thing for any brand, let alone if your whole company is based online. There's more to it than just seeing who can come up with the best design unfortunately, but here are some tips to ensure that you place your trust in the right hands.

Simple tips to market your online


One of the hardest things when starting a new business is knowing how to get your brand out there, especially if you’ve not got any marketing or advertising experience. However, fear not - here are a few tips to help your company get the recognition it deserves.

Services and tools all online merchants need


It might seem a bit daunting when setting up your online company as to what you need to get started. However, rest assured – here is a guide to all of the essentials that can help to keep your business ticking over.

Google Mobile update is here! How will it affect your website rankings?


The launch of Google’s much-discussed new mobile update has finally arrived, and it’s never been more important for your site to be user-friendly to people using these devices. In a statement issued in February, the company announced that the new update wouldn’t directly affect webpage rankings.

10 Tips for Writing Descriptive Content


You’ve got a website, great! You’ve taken the first step in giving your business the digital angle it needs to progress, the next challenge is keeping customers on your page interested and away from competitors. Here are 10 tips on how to ensure you don’t have them clicking ‘back’…

Shopping Tips - How to Get More for Less


In a similar way to many other areas, the internet has opened up a whole new world of new options when it comes to online shopping. It is allowing what were once physical shops to expand their customer base from not just a small town in the British countryside, but now to the whole world.

User Experience Design Strategy and Planning


When it comes to choosing who we buy from, or do business with, there are two factors that most people consider these days – the quality of the product and the user experience. With the increase of people buying from the internet, it is now a lot easier to find the product that you are after. For example, if you knew that you wanted a specific product, the internet gives you the option of a number of different places to buy it from, and this means that people are now looking for other reasons to choose to buy from one business, instead of another.

5 Tips to build creative content quickly


Recent Google Panda algorithm updates have punished sites with thin or poor quality content making it more important than ever for your site to offer users more than just eCommerce, it needs to become a destination. Gone are the days where keyword stuffing was common place, search engines have become wise to this and will now punish sites with irrelevant content and an overload of keywords. So with all of this to content, how do you go about creating good quality content, without it taking up all of your time?

Five tips for a successful Facebook campaign


It’s more important than ever that your company is well represented on social media, and Facebook is one of the most popular platforms to choose from. One of the greatest advantages for companies using Facebook is the ability to target specific audiences with your campaigns, something advertisers had previously only dreamt of. So, how do you get it started?

Details on Maintaining Online Shop Promotions and Advert Campaigns


Marketing online is vital for online retail stores and with the online industry pushing for new and innovative ad formats and ideas it is getting easier to create successful advert campaigns and promotions. In order to influence and steer purchases though you need to realise the main importance is on reaching the right audience.

Why responsive web design is the future


You may have heard the buzz about responsive web design following the Google update a few months back which punished websites that weren’t mobile friendly. Suddenly those with separate mobile sites were left rushing about to make alterations or change to a responsive design before the crawlers came and re-read their site.  But, just what is a responsive design – and why should we all be adapting this change?

Budgeting for your new website


When you are creating a new website there are many things you should consider, not just the design or a new functionality you would like to introduce. Here are some topics which you should think about before you make the step to change your site.

How an eBay shop and listing template can improve your sales


Although you may sell your products directly from your eCommerce site, it’s important not to forget about marketplaces such as eBay and Amazon. The volumes of traffic to these sites is huge, and being able to jump on the back of such a prevalent platform is something definitely worth the extra effort. What’s more, popular search engines search the site every day which means your product has a better chance of appearing higher on rankings

Best Practices for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)


SEO is used to improve and promote a web site by increasing the number of visitors the site receives from search engines. There are many factors to SEO, from the words on your page to the way other sites link to you on the web. Often SEO is simply a matter of ensuring your site is structured in a way that search engines understand. SEO can increase website traffic by boosting you up high in the search results of each search query. The aim is ensuring the highest search engine ranking by being more relevant and competent than your competitors. This process can be difficult however, it doesn’t have to be. So let us help you with the following guidelines.

Best Practices for Marketing on Social Media


Social media marketing can help your business strive creating website traffic, brand awareness, identity and positive association as well as opening up communication and interaction with your potential customers. However, without proper strategy it can end up as failure. So, to help you, here are a few points you need to take into consideration in order for your social media campaign to be successful.

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