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Norfolk & Yorkshire based certified Ecommerce experts. Learn design, development and marketing tips from our articles.

How to choose the right one out of many eCommerce solutions


This is a short guide that will help you choose the right eCommerce solution for your operations. Resolve dilemmas such as open source versus proprietary platform, or SaaS versus standalone platforms. Learn what the hidden dangers of expanding your operations are and how to pick the digital commerce platform that will keep you clear from trouble.

Payment Providers: Choosing the right one for your business


The right payment service provider makes all the difference. Starting eCommerce operations is always a bit challenging. There are many variables that determine your ability to succeed in this segment of trade, and paying attention to detail is something that is simply a must if you want to avoid mistakes.

The factors that determine the success rate are numerous, but it is fair to say that the online payment systems pretty much define the percentage of customers that can be reached. The options available worldwide are quite numerous, and defining the right ones is not such an easy task.

Studioworx Brand Design and Corporate Awareness


Having a strong brand is essential for any business in today`s world, but especially for eCommerce and online businesses. It is the way that potential customers view your company, the essence behind it, and, ultimately, what makes people choose to buy from you and not someone else.

Studioworx eBay Store Design


Here at Studioworx we believe that eBay is one of the best platforms out there for eCommerce and businesses online. eBay gives businesses the opportunity to list their products in a huge marketplace where there are enormous numbers of visitors every day. This gives eCommerce and online businesses a great potential reach, giving them every chance of success.

Studioworx Website Launch


Here at Studioworx, we are excited to be launching our new website. The website has been designed to bring you up to date with our new and improved services which we have added to our old, reliable ones to give you a forward thinking, cutting edge, all round service, leading the way in the world of online design and marketing.

Meet the Social Networks, and how they can drive traffic


You probably use one form or another of social network every day. This year, Facebook hit one billion users in a single day -this is crazy when you think that it translates to 1 in 7 people in the world use the platform to interact with their friends and family. Other platforms have seen such as much traffic with Twitter now having over 316 million monthly active users. These statistics show just how big an audience your brand could have on social media - but how do you harness this audience? Here are some helpful tips.

5 mobile optimisation tips for maximum conversion


Now, we may not have a colourful pie chart or a data driven graph smattered with statistics informing you with the percentage of mobile users who will abandon your website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. Nor do we know the exact numbers, in terms of traffic on your website, which come directly from a mobile.

5 Ways To Ensure Your eCommerce Customers Come Back


Depending on what sort of ecommerce store you have, you will see a fluctuation in your sales according to a multitude of denominators. It could be the introduction of a popular item which sees sales soar or celebratory days in the calendar, like Christmas and Valentine’s Day, which cause a spike of sales.  But more often than not it can be seasonal.

Inspectors Checklist: 30 eCommerce Essentials


For a second, imagine a governing body like OFSTED with a one-way inward bound inspection on your ecommerce site; armed with a list of criteria which will either deem it ‘good’ to ‘outstanding’ or ‘needs improvement’ to ‘unsatisfactory’. Terrifying isn’t it?

5 Tricks of the mind to influence shoppers and boost eCommerce sales


Having recently met with Dynamo and Derren Brown, we have discovered how simple it can be to manipulate the mind-sets of every day consumers like you or I. Although we’re disappointed that Paul Daniels and Mystic Meg weren’t’ available to share their wisdom, we did manage to compile a list of principles from Dynamo and Derren, should you want to attempt a little magic of your own. 

4 of The Most Magical Magento Themes


Choosing a Magento theme can, at first, seem like a bit of an expedition. Each one luring you in like a genie beckoning you make a wish to only discover that theme is not quite what you’d wished for. Stumbling upon ‘the one’ only to discover it’s already taken by a rival. We’ve all been there.

The best must have Magento extensions 2016


The best must have Magento extensions of 2016 can change a lot in your e-commerce store. In this post we put all the extensions into 6 major groups:“Performance”, “SEO”, “Frontend, UI, usability”, “Loyalty, referral campaigns”, “System, backend”, and “Marketing, sales”. All of them are tested and accepted by Magento developers, so you will only deal with the most reliable tools. Two other important things about “The best must have Magento extensions of 2014? are novelty and relevance of further described products.

7 Things The Best eCommerce Store Owners Excel At


Amazon are the pinnacle of an ecommerce store owner’s fantasy. From humble beginnings as a book store to boasting a plethora of products on a global scale, they really are the alpha ecommerce store. Of course, this business was launched on the back of a great idea but in true Liam Neeson form they had a particular set of skills. Skills so accurate and impactful that they eventually became ecommerce titans. Skills that are about to be revealed…

Send your Business Worldwide with eBay`s Global Shipping Programme


The rise of the internet and e-commerce means that the marketplace for business has drastically grown over the last few years. Where most businesses in the past have been limited to only selling to customers in close proximity, with people being able to access websites or online marketplaces such as eBay, we are now seeing business selling to people from all corners of the earth.

Tips to Successful Packaging on Amazon


For people who conduct their business either partly or exclusively on Amazon – or indeed online in general, there are many things which need to be considered. One big issue is that you must ensure that you are adequately protecting your product in shipping. Of course, whilst the product is in your hands, you treat it well, and the likelihood is that when it is in the hands of the consumer, they look after it. However, when it is in the post, it’s another story.

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