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Studioworx Brand Design and Corporate Awareness

Having a strong brand is essential for any business in today`s world, but especially for eCommerce and online businesses. It is the way that potential customers view your company, the essence behind it, and, ultimately, what makes people choose to buy from you and not someone else.

Studioworx Brand Design and Corporate Awareness

Having a strong brand is essential for any business in today`s world, but especially for eCommerce and online businesses. It is the way that potential customers view your company, the essence behind it, and, ultimately, what makes people choose to buy from you and not someone else.

Why is Branding Important?
When people are thinking about buying a product or service there are various factors that help them to sway their decision of whether to buy and who to buy from. One of the most important is the image of the company that is selling the product or service. 

People in general want to buy from someone who is professional, who knows their field inside out, and often from people who are either similar to them, or someone who they aspire to be like. A business`s branding is the best way to put this message across to people. Your business`s identity.
To create a successful, strong brand, and to be able to communicate it with the outside world, you need to consider a number of factors including:

  • Your brand story – what story you are looking to tell? Who is your target audience? What is important to you as a person and as a company? What is your USP? What kind of branding are your competitors using? What is the emotion that you are looking to create when people see – your brand messaging?
  • Creating a logo which reflects your brand messaging – you need to think about the colours, fonts, who your target market is, and whether you want to incorporate your business`s name into your logo.
  • Creating a company `voice` which reflects your brand – think about what you think the voice of your brand would be like – is it fun, serious, knowledgeable, friendly and from this, you can create you brand `voice`.
  •  Creating a tagline
  • Designing and printing stationary and brochures which display your logo and accurately reflect your branding – remember that this is likely to be a something from your business that will stay in the hand of a customer or potential customer so must accurately reflect your brand.
  • How you will stay consistent and stick to your brand -across the board, from your staff behaviour to how viable it is to re-order stationary.


Once that you have started to create your brand design, you then need to be able to implement it across your whole business. This includes:

  • Helping staff to display the brand message in everything they do, but especially in communication with customers and potential customers
  • Ensuring your website fits 100% into your branding
  • Always using branded stationary
  • Remaining consistent across everything that you do.


Brand design at Studioworx
Here at Studioworx we have all the tools which you need to create a good, strong brand and implement it through your business. We have creative gurus who can pinpoint and develop your brand messaging, we have the experience to understand what works and what doesn`t work, we can help you design your logo, print your stationary and we have the technical expertise to implement your branding on your website, social media and other listings.

We can come into the process at any stage. It might be that you already have a strong branding and are looking for stationary printing only, or it might be that you are starting from scratch and are looking to be guide right from the outset.

Our team of branding experts are passionate about what they do, creating the most effective branding for your business, and with over 10 years of experience, we can guarantee that with our help, your business will have the best chance of success.

Corporate Awareness
Often it is not good enough to have strong branding, businesses also need to be able to market their brand and create corporate awareness. There are an infinite number of ways that this can be done, from basics like using company stationary, and advertising in the local newspaper, to boosting your online marketing through social media, SEO and pay per click.

Studioworx recommends using various tactics to boost your corporate awareness and are also on hand to help with consultation and implementation of your online marketing strategies.

We know what works and what doesn`t, and our team of experts make it their business to understand about the latest online marketing trends, changes and recommendations, ensuring that our clients get the best service and the most effective outcome from their marketing efforts.


Online Marketing
We are experts in SEO, pay per click, website design and social media and Studioworx can use these expertise to help boost your business`s online marketing. With a thorough understanding of what is required and how to integrate your business`s branding into your online marketing, we can ensure that the image given of your company is the right one and fits completely into your branding.

We understand how to get your website or online marketplace listing found through searches, noticed, stand out from the rest, easy to buy from and all within your unique company identity and branding. The combination of strong branding and good marketing can make your business effective and successful and see your sales and profits rise.

Studioworx`s team on online marketers are on hand to help you in purely a consultation capacity or in a more hands on role, but always looking to achieve the best outcome for you and your business.

Brand design and corporate awareness are vital in the success of any business, but especially for eCommerce or online businesses. By creating the right brand and then marketing it properly, business owners can see a rise in visitors to their site as well as trust in their brand, and ultimately become their choice to buy from.

If you are an online or eCommerce business looking to design a brand from scratch, are looking for help in implementing it, marketing or even just branded stationary, Studioworx can help. Get in touch with us today to find out what we can do for you.

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