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Shoppers are short on gift ideas – seize the opportunity!

Shoppers are often short on gift ideas. this is how you can capitalise on this fact!

Shoppers are short on gift ideas – seize the opportunity!

Recent research on the market, conducted on a global scale has shown one extremely interesting trend. Namely, shoppers seem to be short on gift ideas when purchasing presents during holidays season. 

At the first glance, this does not seem like a really important data, but there are ways to exploit this indecisiveness if you operate in a niche that is dealing with goods that can be considered as gifts.

The research has also shown that the majority of the shoppers have a certain budget in their mind when shopping for gifts, and although this budget varies from person to person, and the average values vary from country to country, there is still a decent chance that you will be able to increase your sales based on this fact.

The third and the most important piece of data says that a huge percentage of the shoppers (some 67%) look for gift ideas on the very website they consider their source for this occasion. This means that if you react properly, you can increase your sales and your revenue quite significantly if you play your cards right.

What should you do to capitalise on this opportunity?

There are a few really handy ways to capitalise on this unique opportunity and make your business thrive like never before. Along with the standard practice such as seasonal discounts and special promotions, there are 3 additional ways to make additional sales:

Targeted email campaign 

Targeted landing pages

Personalisation engines

Targeted emails

It is a rather simple thing to make an additional page in your web store dedicated to gift ideas. All you need to do is to wrap up a shortlist of presumed bestsellers in this category and use your mailing list. If you create an appealing and nicely looking newsletter dedicated to gift ideas and dispatch it to your existing customers using the email database from your website, you will be able to engage quite a lot of them into actually buying more!

Targeted landing pages

As we already mentioned, a nice additional page on the website dedicated to gift ideas is quite handy. To bring things even further, you can always use that page as the key landing page for your seasonal advertising campaigns. It could be used on any of the advertising channels, from Google to social media. This will provide your customers with a direct approach to the targeted items and will filter out parts of your portfolio that are not deemed a hot commodity in terms of presents.

Personalisation engines

This is the most demanding option in both technical and financial sense. Still, having an AI-based personalisation engine on your website can easily further improve your sales in the gifts segment. Namely, these engines track behaviour of the shoppers and provide them with suggestions based on that behaviour. In that way, they will be exposed to much more products than they would be in conventional shopping, thus your sales will benefit from it.

No matter which approach you decide to use, each of them will bring at least some additional value to your operations. It is solely up to you to decide which way to go. If you need any help with these issues, you can always contact us, and we will be more than happy to evaluate your case and give you our assessment of the situation and steps required.

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