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Many Businesses Still Not Taking Advantage of B2B Marketing Automation

Survey Shows Lack of Value given to Marketing Automation in Businesses Worldwide

Many Businesses Still Not Taking Advantage of B2B Marketing Automation

A recent survey in The US and across Europe has revealed today - 24th August 2017, that businesses are still not using B2B marketing automation to maximum effect. The EConsultancy survey which was commissioned by Act-On Software questioned over 350 marketing professionals about their B2B marketing automation habits.

According to the survey, only 51% of the respondents said that the CMO of their company took a real interest in marketing automation options.

Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is used by businesses to take out the leg work involved in some aspects of marketing - especially digital. It includes features on a basic level such as website tracking, email marketing, CRM integration and list segmentation. There is of course much more that can be done on a more detailed level for those who have a better understanding or more of an interest.

Other Findings

Other findings from the survey show that marketing automation is being drastically undervalued by many businesses.

? Only 24% of business strongly agree that marketing automation is delivering ROI, 55% somewhat agreed and 18% somewhat disagreed

? Only 24% strongly agreed that marketing automation made them more efficient, 58% somewhat agreed and 13% somewhat disagreed

? 27% strongly agreed that marketing automation has resulted in increased contributions to the pipeline, 49% somewhat disagreed and 20% strongly disagreed

? 37% believed that they are using marketing automation its capacity, 38% somewhat agreed and 23% somewhat disagreed.

According to Paige Musto - Act-On Software`s Senior Director of Corporate Marketing, the slow uptake of marketing automation in general is due to the CMOs in certain industries - such as Higher Education, manufacturing or financial services and the fact they are not familiar with it. She said that they simply need to be educated some more on the issues of benefits that email marketing automation can produce.

This, paired with the ever-evolving world of marketing automation, means that it is difficult for senior executives to keep up with developments. Meg Columbia-Walsh, who is the CEO of Wylei, commented that marketing automation is a fast evolving industry, where many senior executives experience trouble keeping up.

This lack of use, and lack of understanding could be the reason why there is a perceived lack of value given to marketing automation. It is important for marketers and those who understand better the values of marketing automation as well as developments to be able to inform senior executives, so that they can make the right decisions for their business.

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