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Benefits of PPC (Pay per click) Website Landing Pages

Pay per Click adverts are great for getting visitors to your site. But what why should you have a separate landing page, and what are the benefits?

Benefits of PPC (Pay per click) Website Landing Pages

Pay per Click (PPC) adverts are an excellent way of driving traffic to a website through search engines. They work on a keywords basis and can direct people who are looking for a specific product directly to you. The way that PPC works means that you only have to pay when someone clicks on your advert.

According to Zero Gravity Marketing, over 60% of users who are intending on buying a product, click on a PPC ad – despite a great number of organic results which also come up. And this just shows what a powerful advertising strategy this can be.

This is an excellent form of online advertising, but it does put extra pressure on businesses to ensure that every single click that is made, results in some sort of benefit – maybe a sale, or at least an email address. The lowest ‘cost-per-click’ possible is the ultimate objective, and so what can businesses do to make sure that the highest percentage of ‘clicks’ result in a conversion?

For real PPC success, it is recommended that you create a landing page for each advert. A pay per click landing page is the page where people are directed to when they click on your advert.

Why a Landing Page?
You may find yourself asking why you need a pay per click landing page for each product that you are advertising. There is a difference between the people who click on a PPC advert and those who visit your site through an organic search. The PPC person is usually looking for something specific and are ready to buy. They don’t want to trawl through your site, they want to be able to buy right away. Whereas the organic search person is usually looking for information, and researching before they have decided to make the purchase.

The Benefits of a Landing Page
So now you know that you need a landing page for your products which you are advertising on PPC, what other benefits does it have?
  • The Message – A landing page helps you to continue the message which you had already put across in your advert. For the best website conversion from a visitor to a customer, you need to maintain the message momentum, and this is a lot easier to do through a separate landing page for a specific product or promotion, than through your customer being directed straight through to your home page.
  • Accurate Reporting – If you have one page per product or campaign, it is a lot easier to get accurate information and reports. If you were taking all of your information from your home page, there are a number of different channels and pathways available and it can all get very confusing.
  • Tidier – If you are running a number of different promotions, for example, mentioning them all on your homepage can be messy, full of clutter, and ultimately confusing for both your customer and yourself. For a low bounce rate, and to ensure that people don’t give up, a specific landing page for each promotion or product can help to keep things a lot tidier.
  • Testing – One of the main principals of a PPC landing page is that you continually test your adverts to see what is working and what isn’t. From this testing you can then change certain details to optimize your landing page and make it as effective as possible.

So what is it that you need to do to get a great landing page?

  • For the best conversion rates, you should create a landing page for each separate product or promotion, enabling you to continue the message that you are trying to send. Get separate URLs, each with a name corresponding to the product or promotion.
  • When you are designing your landing page, make sure that you use the same branding as your advert and your website. People can very quickly mistrust something if it doesn’t ‘look right’, so it is important that people feel safe and secure following your link. Think about colours, fonts and layout.
  • Keep your landing page as simple as possible. You have loads of room on your website, social media, etc., to waffle. But your landing page should be kept as simple as possible. Keep your text concise, give it a flow without other distractions, and lead it all to the final goal. Include a call to action, and try to make the whole process as simple and concise as possible.
  • If you are hoping to collect someone’s contact information, make it as minimal as possible. The best is just a name and email address. People don’t have the patience to fill in long forms and will get sick of it quickly, with them giving up and you losing the conversion.
  • Tailor your copy for each landing page and each product, so that it is simple but has the maximum effect. You can use A/B testing to perfect your copy, or even your message as you go along.
  • The best thing about landing pages is that you can change them all the time, with little hassle. This means that you can continually test the effectiveness of a page to work out what is the most effective and take your page from strength to strength.

For businesses who are going to make the investment in PPC advertising, it is vital that they also make the effort to build and develop individual landing pages. By sending potential customers straight to home pages or product pages, you can confuse or annoy them, and ultimately run the risk of losing the conversion – whether it is a sale, or obtaining contact details.

By producing specifically targeted landing pages, you can really increase your chances of a conversion and of course, lower that ever-so-important ‘cost per click’.

If you have any questions about e-commerce, buying and selling online, building effective websites and other online services, get in touch with Studioworx either via email ([email protected]), telephone (+44 (0)1603 274285) or the website (

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